Christmas 2015

How was everyone’s Christmas?

Mine was really, really great this year. Between my boyfriend’s family and my own, we have a lot of stops to make for holidays. This year, we actually spread everything out over a long Christmas weekend which made things so much more relaxed and enjoyable. Although, I have to admit, by last night, I was sooo ready to be done with Christmas (oh god, does this mean I’m an adult now?).

I had Christmas eve off from work and spent literally thirteen hours baking cookies (with maybe a one hour break in the middle somewhere to run to the store for more ingredients). I baked at least 21 dozen, but I kind of lost count…. Long story short: I LOVE CHRISTMAS COOKIES. It brings me joy to make a list of everything I’m going to bake, buying all the ingredients, and spending a whole day (or a couple of days) creating delicious treats for the people I love. And hearing Ohmygod Odessa your cookies are amazing is like a drug. Thank you. More cookies for you next year. This year’s list of Christmas cookies ended up including:

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national cat day

Oh, glorious day!

I have been released from the clutches of jury duty!

And… It’s national cat day? Best day ever.

My kitties are among my favorite things in the world. Both of them are rescue kitties, or more accurately, both of them stumbled upon my boyfriend and adopted him as their human.

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